[CQ-Contest] Call Area Question for Awards

Zack Widup w9sz.zack at gmail.com
Tue Feb 24 15:09:03 PST 2009

Hmm ... I didn't participate in that contest, but I use CT and it always
asks me to enter my address and then it puts that in the Cabrillo log file.
I would assume they would go by the address you gave.

I have always been a 9 in 9-land so I don't give others that problem.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 10:08 AM, David Levine <david at levinecentral.com>wrote:

> As every topic that comes up here, I'm sure this has been previously
> discussed, but it seems near impossible to search the archives. I'm a newer
> contester that is just getting started, so go easy on me.
> I participated in the recent CQ WPX RTTY Contest as a SOAB LP entry. I did
> fine (100w and a G5RV) with 525 Qs and 349k points. Now I know that the
> 3830
> claimed scores aren't official but a good indication of the major
> participants and what they did. When I look at the most recent compilation
> of scores for the CQ WPX RTTY at
> http://lists.contesting.com/pipermail/3830/2009-February/169847.html I see
> there are a couple "2" calls above mine in the category I entered. When I
> look at their locations, their addresses on qrz.com indicate they are not
> physically located in the 2 call area.
> So my question is how does the contest determine call area for awards? Does
> it use the submitted call or does it use the physical location associated
> with the call sign? Should those operators have signed their call sign
> x2xx/3 or the appropriate call area they were located in to accurately
> represent their true call area? I know when I operated in my first contest
> I
> was on vacation and signed K2DSL/4. Or does the process of determining who
> is on top in each call area for awards handled a different way?
> I looked at the rules at http://www.cqwpxrtty.com/rules.htm and in the
> prefix section it talks about operators that must sign with their true call
> area.  The rules seems to indicate that it is relevant for operation
> outside
> your DXCC. So a KH6 operating in NJ would be KH6xx/W2 but a K2xxx operating
> in the 3 call area doesn't need to be K2xxx/3 ? It would make sense to me
> since there is a distinction for multipliers and awards based on prefix.
> Based on previous questions I've asked, I'm sure I will receive a large
> number of replies, many off the list and just to me, so thanks in advance
> to
> everyone that does reply. I know that the CQ contest director is also on
> this list so maybe W0YK can jump in with how things might be officially
> handled.
> 73,
> David - K2DSL
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