[CQ-Contest] PU2FAN, etc

John Warren nt5c at texas.net
Wed Feb 25 18:56:47 PST 2009

David K1TTT wrote :

> My way the peer feedback is direct and timely.  Hopefully he learned  
> a good
> lesson and will be back in the next contest, sans packet.

Hmmmm.   I think that attitude is very hard toward this young fellow  
David.  I'm a serious DXer and not a contest entrant, but if you had  
highlighted me in that way, I would have told you where to stuff your  
contest, and it would be years - if ever - before I competed again.   
It would have been magnanimous (and "contest-promoting") for an  
experienced guy like you to offer an apology, or at least an  
explanation,  to this young Brazilian.  There's a bigger picture to  
think about.

73,  John,  NT5C.

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