[CQ-Contest] Problem with mail.ru e-mail server

Tack Kumagai je1cka at chofu.jaxa.jp
Wed Mar 4 17:38:45 PST 2009


Situation has been exactly same here at jidx.org.
I run log-reciept robot for JIDX email logs. But the auto reply has been 
returned as SPAM from mail.ru. So some of Russians sent us 10 or more 
email logs in a day because all the log-receipet reply were rejected by 
the mail.ru spam-check server.
Will mail.ru users ask their providers to refine the system?
	JIDX contest committee chairman
	Tack Kumagai JE1CKA/KH0AM
	Email: jidx-chairman at jidx.org

In message "[CQ-Contest] Problem with mail.ru e-mail server"
    on 09/03/04, HADX Contestmanager <contestmanager at mrasz.axelero.net> writes:
: Yesterday I sent more than 1100 mails around the world to HA-DX 2009 
: contest participants in order to inform them that the preliminary
: contest result is ready and published. 150 of the mails were rejected as 
: spam by the Russian mail.ru server. I reported this issue to the 
: administrators of the mail system but now I'd like to encourage all 
: Russian radioamateurs who have their e-mail accounts there to ask their 
: mail service provider to refine the spam filter of the system.
: Tibor Finta

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