[CQ-Contest] Russian DX Contest Log Checking

Igor Sokolov ua9cdc at gmail.com
Wed Mar 11 08:42:05 PDT 2009

>I have never operated the RDXC and am now certain that I will not do so
> seriously after reading this "shocking" information about the scoring
> and penalties.

I do not like the RDXC approach myself but....

> I do know that when I have tuned around and heard the
> level of activity, I have always questioned the claims of its
> popularity.  It may statistically have the log count, but it sure
> doesn't come close to the activity on the band as CQ WW, ARRL DX, WPX,
> IARU, WAE, SS, and probably others.  Sorry guys, it just doesn't.

Statistics an impressions. Here we see that impressions prevail. Don't you 
think it is a bit egocentric? May be you should try this contest from Europe 
once? May be your impressions will change then?


> In 20 years of contesting, I have never heard anything more insane, than
> "I am penalized because a casual, unintending operator, miscopied my
> call or exchange".
> Yes, penalize the heck out of ME if I copy something down wrong.  But
> don't even think about it if it is the other guy that fumbled his pen.
> I can't do nor want to do anything about that.
> Ed  N1UR

This topic had been beaten to death in Russian contest reflector some time 
ago. Here is counter argument from that discussion:
N1UR calls CQ
UA9CDC calls N1UR and gives him 599 244
UA9CDC logs QSO but the sent number in his log is 245. The reason for that 
can be anything. The op is operating with this software for the first time 
and takes serial number from the wrong place on the screen. Or UA9CDC was 
multy op station and  the software used changed the number after 244 was 
sent. So it ended up as 245 in UA9CDC log.
Now how adjudicators have to decide who has to be penalized?

73, Igor UA9CDC 

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