[CQ-Contest] Sell My Acom for a Tokyo?

k2qmf at juno.com k2qmf at juno.com
Thu Mar 26 16:21:20 PDT 2009

Does the Tokyo  operate full QSK CW ?????

Ted  K2QMF
On Thu, 26 Mar 2009 11:20:06 -0700 Richard Zalewski <dick.w7zr at gmail.com>
> Just a little more on the dilemma.
> I will not be using a tuner except on 80 and 160 as I use a SteppIR. 
>  Since
> the SteppIR has various band segments within a band going from one 
> end to
> another should be no problem.  How the HC1.5KAT would handle my 
> 160-80
> inverted vee is another question.
> My Acom is working fine 100% but sometimes I just get the idea to 
> try
> something new.  I was not entirely satisfied with my PW1 but it 
> probably did
> as advertised.  I just don't like amps with so much protection 
> circuitry
> that you are forever doing resets.  That was some of my experience 
> with the
> PW1 but not at all with the Acom.  I know we are dealing with the
> possibility of two different levels of output when comparing the THP 
> and the
> Acom but I can not run as much as the Acom is capable of putting out 
> when
> anyone is home in the neighborhood.
> Oh yes, I DO NOT have unlimited radio means.  So I am not looking 
> just to
> generate sales taxes and revenue for various entities.
> Back now to reviewing constructive comments.
> On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 8:34 AM, Barry N1EU <barry.n1eu at gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> > I'm admittedly not that familiar with the Tokyo products.  If I 
> were
> > contemplating replacing my 2000A with the combo HL2.5FX and 
> HC1.5KAT
> > auto-tuner, my concern would be the rough frequency granularity of 
> the
> > band data connection.  Perhaps the amp is broad-banded enough to
> > require only a single setting for an entire band, but certainly 
> the
> > tuner would not be, particularly on the low bands, to present a 
> 1.8:1
> > SWR to the amp to prevent faulting.  Or is there a way to control 
> the
> > combination with a little more frequency finesse?
> >
> > 73,
> > Barry N1EU
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> -- 
> Tnx es 73
> Dick W7ZR
> www.w7zr.com
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