[CQ-Contest] Digital Mode One - was SS Musings...

Dale Putnam daleputnam at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 11 04:43:47 PST 2009

It seems to me, that decoding morse with a machine... is simply a challange, a tech challange... can it be done.. how fast can it be done.. how can it be made faster...? 

All these and many more questions can be answered.. and the chase is the fun..

with much older equipment I've had machine to machine qsos... at well over 100 wpm. 

at a time that the then current standard for rtty was "60" or "100" wpm... could it be done faster today?... Sure.. how much faster? Quite a little faster... but how much.. and how..?

these are the challanges.. pretty much the same as the challange of.. how "good" can you do in a contest... with what equipment.. antennas..and, and, and.. how much you accept the challange of a contest.. what approach you make.. is pretty much the same as how fast a machine to machine cw qso can be done.. 

  And it is the challange.. and the acceptance of that challange... that, for me.. is the backbone of amateur radio... that force that pushed hams to the forefront of the sciences.. the beginnings of much of what is being done today, in so many places. If it wasn't born in amateur radio.. it was coordinated and discussed and communicated using amateur radio. 

  Do I use machine cw?.. why ask? 

and the answer is no. not now. but that is another story... for another time. 

--... ..--- 

Dale - WC7S in Wy

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