[CQ-Contest] Digital Mode One - was SS Musings...

Zack Widup w9sz.zack at gmail.com
Wed Nov 11 05:53:27 PST 2009

I'm waiting for a machine to copy SSB. I hate SSB contests.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 7:43 AM, Dale Putnam <daleputnam at hotmail.com> wrote:

> It seems to me, that decoding morse with a machine... is simply a
> challange, a tech challange... can it be done.. how fast can it be done..
> how can it be made faster...?
> All these and many more questions can be answered.. and the chase is the
> fun..
> with much older equipment I've had machine to machine qsos... at well over
> 100 wpm.
> at a time that the then current standard for rtty was "60" or "100" wpm...
> could it be done faster today?... Sure.. how much faster? Quite a little
> faster... but how much.. and how..?
> these are the challanges.. pretty much the same as the challange of.. how
> "good" can you do in a contest... with what equipment.. antennas..and, and,
> and.. how much you accept the challange of a contest.. what approach you
> make.. is pretty much the same as how fast a machine to machine cw qso can
> be done..
>   And it is the challange.. and the acceptance of that challange... that,
> for me.. is the backbone of amateur radio... that force that pushed hams to
> the forefront of the sciences.. the beginnings of much of what is being done
> today, in so many places. If it wasn't born in amateur radio.. it was
> coordinated and discussed and communicated using amateur radio.
>   Do I use machine cw?.. why ask?
> and the answer is no. not now. but that is another story... for another
> time.
> --... ..---
> Dale - WC7S in Wy
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