[CQ-Contest] SS Musings...

Robert Chudek - K0RC k0rc at citlink.net
Thu Nov 12 14:33:57 PST 2009

What logger are you using?

If it's N1MM, you can type the rest of the exchange and when you get the 
fill, type it at the end. The software knows how to parse the information 
for you. If you type the serial number 4 times, the last entry is what will 
be logged.

This is a feature of the Sweepstakes module in N1MM Logger.

73 de Bob - KØRC in MN

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Zack Widup" <w9sz.zack at gmail.com>
To: "CQ Contest" <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 12:25 PM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] SS Musings...

I never cared for the speed change within the exchange, either. But if
someone lets the whole exchange rip at 45 wpm it's fine with me.

One thing I found that really goofs me up ... if I only copy part of the
serial number in SS, I don't get to type in the rest of the exchange and
have to ask for a repeat. It only seems to happen with the serial number,
maybe because it's at the start of the exchange. I need more practice with
that ...

73, Zack W9SZ

On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 12:16 PM, Robert Chudek - K0RC 
<k0rc at citlink.net>wrote:

> Yes, I am guilty of this... It happens both directions though. I call CQ 
> at
> a slower speed to attract fellows who operate at a lower speed. But
> sometimes a station calls me that I *know* can copy at a higher speed. 
> I'll
> jump the speed up 4 or 6 wpm for that Q. Likewise when I S&P, I'll hear a
> station that I *know* can copy at a higher speed so I'll increase the 
> speed
> when I call him/her. Using N1MM Logger, my PageUp / PageDown keys get a 
> real
> workout during some CW contests! The other issue is that I don't like a
> speed change within the exchange and prefer a steady rate when I receive.
> 73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Zack Widup" <w9sz.zack at gmail.com>
> To: "CQ Contest" <cq-contest at contesting.com>
> Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 8:57 AM
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] SS Musings...
>   I heard one station calling CQ at about 25 wpm and I answered at
>> approximately the same speed. He came back to me at about 40 wpm (which 
>> is
>> fine - I can copy to about 50 or 55 wpm). Out of curiosity, I waited to
>> see
>> if he did that for anyone else. He didn't.
>> Maybe he knew I could copy at that speed?
>> :-)
>> 73, Zack W9SZ
>> On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 9:02 PM, <Aldewey at aol.com> wrote:
>> I am perfectly fine with guys calling me at the speed they are 
>> comfortable
>>> with.  I almost always slow down when they do this which is fine.  I
>>> spend
>>> a
>>> lot of time with the ALT F9 and ALT F10 keys during SS and other
>>> contests.
>>> However, there is one related thing that really bugs me.  I'll never
>>> understand why QRP stations feel I will copy them better if they slow 
>>> way
>>> down.
>>> Some even feel, because they are QRP, it is best to send everything
>>> twice.
>>>  I
>>> have found that there is a lot less chance of some crud taking out part
>>> of
>>> their transmission if they send at a normal speed.  I am actually more
>>> likely to miss something if they are sending slow.  More importantly, I
>>> cross my
>>> fingers that nobody is going to steal my run freq. when I am copying a
>>> QRP
>>> station who has decided to slow way down.
>>> I truly admire the QRP stations.  But, please, don't feel obligated to
>>> QRS
>>> just because you are QRP.
>>> 73,
>>> Al, K0AD
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