[CQ-Contest] Preliminary 2010 CQ WPX SSB/CW Contest Rules

Steve ik4wmh at virgilio.it
Thu Nov 19 02:35:28 PST 2009

Hello Kenneth,

Wednesday, November 18, 2009, 1:52:05 PM, you wrote:

KEH> If you look at the top WPX scores, you'll see that one out of
KEH> every 4 QSOs on average is a new multiplier.

Do you think that the top SO or M/S WPX scorers harvest all their
multipliers with just the run radio? I bet not.

KEH> I really don't understand the desire for a separate multiplier
KEH> station in WPX

If WPX is a "run-run-run" contest as it's been described here lately
how do you log all those mults out there?

If I am running 99 percent of the time and you, that elusive WM5 new
mult, are also running 99 percent of the time how can I work you?

If I hear you on my second radio on a slow sunday afternoon am I going
to spend 2 band changes just to work you? Unlikely.

The result? One less qso and multiplier for me, one less qso (and
possibly one less multiplier for you) and *LESS FUN* for both.

I still think the best solution is to leave the current M/S untouched
and create a new pure Multi-Single category (with the new proposed
rules) to accomodate those who want to enter the contest using only
one rig.

Those who already had a mult radio will continue to enjoy it, the ones
who didn't have a second rig will compete against their peers in the
new category, there won't be any loss in the grand total amount of
contest QSOs and all the entrants will have their fun.

Famous Sport Quotes:

"Baseball players are smarter than football players.
How often do you see a baseball team penalized
for too many players on the field?"
Jim Boulton

Steve IK4WMH

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