[CQ-Contest] Preliminary 2010 CQ WPX SSB/CW Contest Rules

Tom Haavisto kamham69 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 19 03:54:26 PST 2009

Allowing M/S unlimited band changes (the same as a single op running SO2R)
is an open invitation to abuse.  Consider the following scenario:

Someone running SO2R can be running on one band, and use the second radio to
hunt for QSO's on a second band.  It takes some skill and concentration to
make this happen, and as rates go up, it becomes harder.  You are copying
part of a call on the second radio, and you get a call on the first one.
Oops - one call will be lost...  Thats SO2R in a nutshell.

Now lets look at would happen in a multi-op setting.  We would have two ops
doing the same thing.  Lets add in a lockout device for good measure for one
signal at a time, but essentially we could have two stations running at the
same time - just takes a bit of co-ordination to keep in sync, but higher
rates that a single op could pull off seem like a foregone conclusion.  No
more interruptions from the main radio, so no lost calls....  Heck - we
could add in a few more stations and ops for good measure without increasing
operator loading - a limiting factor with SO2R.

How would we police this?  The logs look the same.

While we all like to believe there are no ethically challenged folk in our
midst, I think we both know this is not the case.

Anyway - something to consider...

Tom - VE3CX

I agree that using lockout systems to game the rules such that two stations

> are really active at the same time, interleaving QSOs, the dreaded
> "octopus," is unethical. That's what provoked the various ten-minute and
> band-change limits. NCCC got it right with CQP, limiting the number of
> OPERATOR CHANGES per hour. But please let whoever is in the chair have the
> same band change flexibility as a Single Op, including SO2R.
> The argument that you can’t police operator changes is specious. We can’t
> police the number of operators at all. We can’t police power. We don’t even
> police location unless there is an egregious violation. So why police band
> changes? Let ‘em happen! If someone uses an octopus to cheat, they’ll be
> discovered eventually. Then DQ all participants for five years.

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