[CQ-Contest] CQ-Contest Digest, Vol 83, Issue 40

W7VJ w7vj at millerisar.com
Sat Nov 21 08:43:54 PST 2009

Doug has a great idea!  This is certainly workable.



> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2009 11:32:40 +0000 (GMT)
> From: kr2q at optimum.net
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] WPX...how to REALLY change the rules
> To: cq-contest at contesting.com
> Message-ID: 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> I'm spending way too much time thinking about this, but here goes.....
> But before I start, I fully acknowledge that having "different" 
> contests(how they work) is 
> part of the fun of contesting. Nobody wants every contest to be 
> "the same"
> as all the others.
> So.....
> Currently, there is a bonus incentive (extra points) to get guys 
> to work the
> low bands. During
> the sun spot peak, the vast majority of time will be spent on 10/15/20
> (maybe even all)...and
> you can easily win by doing that. B4, nobody was going to 
> 40/80, so the
> rules changed to 
> "incentivize" such activity.
> It is also well know that WPX is a running contest; with more 
> Q's comes more
> mults. There is 
> "like no reason" to change bands to work mults when those same 
> mults are
> almost as likely
> to be worked "where you are now" (band).
> 1. Remove the "incentive" to work the low band by awarding more 
> points.Equal points for
> each band (pick whatever number you like).
> 2. Count prefixes as mults PER BAND = Instant incentive to work 
> all bands.
> And PS, the
> current M/S rule would then make lots of sense. But I"m not 
> talking just
> M/S, I'm talking 
> all categories.
> Wow...would that be neat? Scores would sky-rocket, lots (?) 
> more activity,
> still a "running"
> contest, but now with extra emphasis on strategy (initially) and 
> tactics.You can't just sit
> on the "best" band and win; you have to optimize your score, 
> which now
> includes mults on 
> each band, meaning you MUST spend time on each band.
> Yes, I know, I know...this is just the "classic" CQWW contest 
> but using PX
> as the mults. 
> Would that be so bad? Only if you like variety. :-)
> Can't wait for the private email from Randy on this one. LOL
> de Doug KR2Q

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