[CQ-Contest] Ethics vs. Rules

jpescatore at aol.com jpescatore at aol.com
Tue Nov 24 04:47:41 PST 2009

I think it is more "etiquette" vs. rules - there are lots of things that aren't illegal or even unethical, but are just rude.

I updated the Contest Wiki section on "Sweepstakes Etiquette" at http://wiki.contesting.com/index.php/ARRL_Sweepstakes#Sweepstakes_Etiquette

Apropos of the discussion, that section starts with:

"Sweepstakes is a contest that attracts the full spectrum of hams: top operators at big stations looking to win, serious contesters looking to beat last year's score or come in ahead of their buddies, club members just looking to help the club score, and first time contesters just trying this thing out. Just like in a marathon running race, that means there are competitors at a wide level of capabilities. To deal with that there are some norms of “etiquette” that have evolved to let everyone have the most possible amount of fun. These are not hard and fast rules, just common norms that have evolved over the years. You won’t be disqualified by going against any of these norms, but by following them you will definitely save a lot of whining on CQ-CONTEST after SS is over."

73, John K3TN

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