[CQ-Contest] the "new" M/S for WPX

George Fremin III geoiii at kkn.net
Thu Nov 26 06:05:59 PST 2009

On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 01:41:29AM +0000, kr2q at optimum.net wrote:
> 1.  This will have no impact on the number of entrants compared to "before."   There has not
> been a group of potential entrants NOT participating because, "Gosh, they just don't have
> a category for exactly me."

I think you are correct.

> 2.  "Serious" M/S guys from the past will likely migrate to M2.  M/S entrants from the past
> who never used 2 rigs anyway will see essentially no change.

The WPX contest used to have a M/S class - it was changed in recent
times to be like the M/S in the CQ WW DX contests.  I have entered in
the M/S category in WPX when it was one radio and 10 min band
changes. I always found it to be great fun.  It was really cool to
give out some of the biggest QSO numbers in the contest.

> 3.  So now, a serious SOAB SO2R entrant will be able to "out score" a M/S because they will 
> have more flexibility in terms of "no time constraints." 

Maybe not - there is a rather large time constrant on single ops in
this contest - 36 hours maxium operating time.

> 4.  The "new" M/S is a wonderful category for "a bunch of guys drinking beer who also want
> to operate the contest" instead of (potentially) vice-versa.

The "new" / "old" M/S category will be great - it was great fun for me
in the past and I don't drink beer but I have operated (serious
contest winning entries) in this contest under the new/old rules.

George Fremin III - K5TR
geoiii at kkn.net

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