[CQ-Contest] CQ WW Rules Question/interpretation

David J. Sourdis hk1kxa at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 5 10:14:24 PDT 2009

Hello to all,

Please any answer, send it to the contest reflector.

Is it repairing a station item, or i.e. installing a new antenna during contest time, considered like an activitiy to contribute to your contest score?
If so, it means that an op shouldn't be helped by anyone during contest time to repair/install, etc, if said op is running the test in a SO category. 

See part A. Single Operator of Categories section of rules 2009

I remember some rule of a contest where was clearly stated that any  repairs on the run had to be made only by the op.


PS: It would be quite a stretch to consider that a wife bringing sandwich & coffee to the shack during contests relocates you in M/S, but sure the coffee contributes to your score, hi hi. 

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