[CQ-Contest] Need advice re amps/setups for contesting

Charlie Gallo Charlie at TheGallos.com
Thu Oct 29 15:35:35 PDT 2009

On 10/29/2009 RT Clay wrote:

> If a weak and slow station calls me far off freq, in certain
> circumstances I might just ignore the call: ...snip...

Well, I only do SSB, so speed isn't an issue, and I do my best to be exactly on frequency

But what I'm talking about guys who
<CQ Contest, his call>
<CQ Contest, his call>
<CQ Contest, his call>
<CQ Contest, his call>
<CQ Contest, his call>
<CQ Contest, his call>
<CQ Contest, his call>

with NO pauses in there - and I can listen to the guys doing it with other stations too!!  If I have a 2x3 call, there literally would not be time between his CQs to even say my call, never mind say "Kilo Golf Two Victor"

(BTW for ME, these typically seem to be 2-3 particular South American stations, that I don't have in my log, because I can never get through)
73 de KG2V

For the Children - RKBA!

My Website: http://www.thegallos.com
My Blog: http://kg2v.blogspot.com

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