[CQ-Contest] Windows Vista booting problem

Rick Lindquist, WW3DE ww3de at comcast.net
Wed Apr 7 12:42:31 PDT 2010



My ham shack PC is a laptop running Windows Vista. This week it suddenly
developed some kind of issue and now will not boot properly. 


I was unable to return to at least two restore points (the error message
said it "could not complete" the restore operation). I've uninstalled the
last two programs that went on the PC w/o success. The PC will start in safe
mode, and it will start normally after attempting to go back to an earlier
restore point, but it will not start automatically in normal mode, as far as
I can determine. This is a Dell XPS 1530, two years old (and just out of the
extended warranty by three weeks!). 


I began using Ham Radio Deluxe about a month ago, and it seems to run okay,
but I'm wondering if anyone on the list has encountered "issues" using HRD
under Vista. I would hate to end up having to reload the operating system to
resolve the problem, and I'm not deep enough into this to know if there are
hardware issues with the PC.


Thanks for any suggestions.


73, Rick, WW3DE

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