[CQ-Contest] A new "DX cluster" experience for contesters

VR2BrettGraham vr2bg at harts.org.hk
Mon Apr 19 21:50:30 PDT 2010

Somewhere in the noise I saw K9NW say:

>> >This feed offers one huge advantage for contesters, because the RBN
>> >spots*every*  station it hears
> Huge advantage for which contesters?
> So far this discussion seems to have mostly leaned toward the viewpoint of ops from "this side" of things.  How about the guys on the "other side" of things, the ones op'ing from Less-Than-Garden-Variety DX locations?  As an occasional LTGV DX guy, I would sometimes prefer LESS spots as it would sometimes allow me to work MORE stations.
> When I was in Africa last year for CQWW CW, it was terribly frustrating trying to keep a decent rate on 20m during the last few hours of the contest.  I'd find a hole in the band, work some guys at a decent clip, then "BOOM" I'm on the cluster and all hell breaks loose.  You can fight it for a while but eventually your only recourse is to start over on another frequency, work as many as you can until you're spotted again, repeat as necessary.  This is less of a problem on bands where you're hearing the DX louder than you hear most of the callers.  On a band like 20m, where you're likely to be hearing everyone else too, it quickly turns to chaos when you can't hear the DX come back to someone because of the non-stop spot pouncers who have to try to be the last one in the pile.....etc., etc.  That simply isn't much fun for the LTGV DX guy.  So maybe you can see why someone might prefer to be spotted less.
> Would this RBN feed add to the problem?  Hard to say - the existing cluster is already a behemoth.  One could maybe even argue that the pileups would thin out as there would be so many more options for the Cluster Corps to chase after.  Dunno.  But it has me reevaluating traveling to LTGV DX spots for contests.  (At least during non-contest times I can send "UP")

Used to be that getting spotted was fun.  It actually helped & was 
welcome.  But then it started to go pear-shaped, must have been by 
around the turn of the millennium, now at least 7 years since had 
definitely gone too far: 
Note that thread was kicked off by VK5GN, definitely garden-variety DX.

Still, I think K9NW's concern somewhat offset by the same factor that 
could make RDXC fun for a visitor but not the resident not-GV DX - it 
still beats being at home.  Now, if you're a frequent visitor... posts 
like K9NW's & now N6TJ are no real surprise to me, very significant & 
hopefully folks take note.  Jim's concern on the abuse aspect of all is 
interesting, as I would have thought at the top of the game this 
wouldn't even register.  It deserves repeating:

> ..has also brought-out the bottom feeders, some of whom have mastered the skill of
> using these technologies  to cheat.  Many don't believe this happens.  Most
> couldn't care less.
> I know, and I care, and it ain't FUN.

Speaking of which, I seemed to have missed the WPX SSB spot analysis report.

DX cluster is killing the radio contest - original lyrics not too far 
off, either:

"I heard you on the wireless back in Fifty Two
Lying awake intent at tuning in on you.
If I was young it didn't stop you coming through.

Oh-a oh

They took the credit for your second symphony.
Rewritten by machine and new technology,
and now I understand the problems you can see.


In my mind and in my car, we can't rewind we've gone too far."

Very good posts from both VE4XT & VE5RA.

73, Canary in a Chinese Coal Mine.

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