[CQ-Contest] Cut Number "J" - ASSISTED or MULTI?

Kelly Taylor theroadtrip at mts.net
Sun Feb 21 12:02:03 PST 2010

Are we really going to the place where asking for clarification on generic
operating issues counts as assistance?

I am sure the station that sent JTT for 100 isn't unique, so asking "what
does J mean" is entirely different than asking "who was the station sending
EE5-something?" (Considering that J is kinda stupid as a cut number anyway,
I don't blame anyone for being confused.)

The former is OK, IMHO. The latter isn't permitted at all, regardless of

That said, I think David should be deeply ashamed for even THINKING that
this sport should be fun! David, David, David: if there aren't blood
droplets forming on your forehead from worrying about even imaginary rule
infractions, you're clearly NOT serious. (/satire)

73, kelly

On 2/21/10 8:32 AM, "David Levine" <david at levinecentral.com> wrote:

> Bob,
> First off I *am* operating assisted. Regardless I don't think asking a
> question like this makes you assisted. It was as generic as asking does 5NN
> get logged as 5NN or 599. It's a generic question. But hey, what do I know -
> I'm just out there having fun.
> Now back to enjoy some strong (at least for me since I've been licensed)
> conditions.
> K2DSL - David
> On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 7:38 AM, Robert L. Shohet <kq2m at earthlink.net>wrote:
>> I sure hope that those of you operating in ARRLDXCW this weekend
>> and posting or reading this post are claiming an ASSISTED
>> or MULTI-something category of operation.
>> In fact, asking what the "JTT"  Exchange means DURING a contest
>> is no different than asking for help with a Callsign DURING a contest.
>> I thought that this practice was not allowed?  Seems a lot like cheating
>> on an exam to me.
>> 73
>> Bob KQ2M
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