[CQ-Contest] Why do we like our favorite contesting mode?

K6VVA - Rick cqtest97 at k6vva.com
Mon Jan 4 23:09:17 PST 2010

Julius, N2WN, wrote:

>Too, I think it's a lot easy to hear and be heard on CW, particularly for
those of us running LP and QRP.


Especially from the Left Coast !!!  Personally, I find CW to be like music:
Melodic,  Rhythmic,  Beautiful.    I can hardly wait for Thursday Night
Contesting to hear the familiar calls K4BAI, N4AF, W4NZ, N6RO, W9RE, K0AD,
et. al. romping and stomping in my headphones at QRQ WPM.  


That being said, I do miss hearing the non-computerized and very distinctive
CW fists of W3GRF, W4KFC, DU7SV and the likes from back in the good old days
of CW  contesting {Nostalgic SIGH}.


The older I get (66 next month), the more I find loud SSB splatter and
over-compressed signals with ugly background fan noise to be a most
unpleasant listening experience I can do without ;-(


73 & Happy SAFE New Year to all,


Rick/K6VVA * The Locust


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