[CQ-Contest] Log checking with mismatched bands

David Levine david at levinecentral.com
Thu Jan 7 06:30:57 PST 2010

Don (and others),

Thanks for the responses on and off the list. In my case, the running
station appears to be wrong. Though I was S&Ping, I was only on the band I
logged that contact on and it's directly between 2 frequencies of the
previous and next contacts on that band. Plus I only have 1 radio so there's
no opportunity, unless I manually switch bands and the software should
follow, for me to make a contact on another band. I wasn't using any
spotting network so it couldn't have been an erroneous click either. So just
using the Run station vs the S&P station doesn't seem to be valid, at least
in my case.

Of course if there are submitted logs for the other stations that he worked
preceding/following me, maybe it would help highlight the issue and
hopefully show the run station had something go awry.

I think the most important info and it seems all have posted, is that if
they can't make it obvious through other methods which is right/wrong, then
either both stations are given a NIL or both given an Ok. I don't like the
NIL since I'm possibly penalized for someone elses mistake but I guess it's
no different then a Run station not logging my S&P contact with them for any
of a dozen reasons.

K2DSL - David

On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 6:33 AM, Don Field <don.field at gmail.com> wrote:

> Something similar for the IOTA contest. It is often quite clear which of
> the
> two is correct where there is a mismatch of band and/or mode. Usually it
> will be obvious that one station is running while the other is in S&P mode.
> The running station is almost certainly correct. The other way to tell is
> when one station is mismatched in several different logs - clearly he has a
> problem with logging the correct info.
> Once this is done there are usually very few instances left which cannot be
> resolved. Probably 20 in 500k QSOs. I allow them, on the basis of "innocent
> until proven guilty". Frankly, with so few, it isn't going to materially
> affect the results either way.
> Don G3XTT
> IOTA Contest Manager

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