[CQ-Contest] ES9C and UA2FW in CQ160

Jan Erik Holm sm2ekm at telia.com
Sun Jan 31 22:23:14 PST 2010

Read what SJ2W wrote on the 3830 list:

Worst signal of the weekend? ES9C without much competition,
as many times before. One could even see on the bandmap where
he was located because pretty much 1-2kHz on each side was
clear of spots. Isn't it time to start DQ this kind of behaviour?

ES9C does have very large bandwith due to massive key clicks.
He has been told many many times for the past 3 years but he
totally ignores it. As far as I know ES5TV is the brain
behind ES9C and I just can not understand how this person
can behave like this year in and year out.

Then we also have UA2FW with at least 4 kHz bandwith due to
massive key clicks and phase noise however in his case this
was not all, he also had "multi tones" on each side of his

I´m sorry but it seems to me that this clearly is done on purpose.
It is absolutely not fair to other competitors. It is clearly
time to do something, either DQ or score reduction.

What can we do about this? Maybe a world wide chain with
official observers that monitors the bands during the CQ
contests and at least at first issue warning notes. Lists
with offenders could be made public in CQ magazine and on
this reflector as well as on the different CQ contests web

Yes there where other offenders but IMO this was the worst


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