[CQ-Contest] History of Code by ED GABLE ,K2MP

Paul Mackanos - K2DB k2db at k2db.com
Wed Jul 7 07:55:44 PDT 2010

Morse Code, Keys, Keyers, Paddles and things that go dit in the Night !


This is a link to the RARA Presentation by one of our own RDXA members - Ed
Gable K2MP

AKA - RaRa Historian, and Curator Emeritus, AWA Museum.




 If you RDXA'ers remember, early this year, Ed put a post on our reflector
asking about how

we send code, what type of paddle, keyer, Iambic, non-iambic keying, etc.


This is the final result and a fine presentation by the best speaker I know
- Ed Gable.


Check it out, and I have asked Scott to put it up on the RDXA website as a


Click on the link and enjoy the HISTORY of code.


Paul K2DB

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