[CQ-Contest] List of WRTC stations/ Results/Overspottinganditsimpact
Radio K0HB
kzerohb at gmail.com
Wed Jul 14 19:39:54 PDT 2010
Dave, your "logical" solutions fly directly in the fact of the premise which
drives WRTC.
Given the most normalized "level playing field" (equal station/antenna
suite, compact geographic situation to equalize propagation, etc.), WRTC
showcases operator skills and experience. Who has the best instincts for
band changes, the best balance between running vs mult harvesting? Who
understands the chinks in propagation charts to best catch a short band
opening to grab some scarce mults, and yes, even who knows the best ways to
provoke a cluster spot?
I love the "equal station/location" idea of leveling the physical tools,
just like race cars have rules governing the "equipment", and thus
highlighting the competitive skills sets. But the "leveling" should end
there. The players "on the field" should run unfettered, free to succeed
(or not) without "operating regulations" such as you propose.
I offer again Kurt Vonnegut's classic about "leveling of skills" ---->
73, de Hans, K0HB
"Just a boy and his radio"
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LoTW participant
From: "K1TTT" <K1TTT at ARRL.NET>
>..... then there are a couple logical solutions.
> 1. use a sprint like qsy rule so that any spot for a cqing wrtc station is
> only good for one qso... don't let them ping pong, require 3 or more
> frequencies a fair distance apart, or that they answer a cq from someone
> else in between calling cq, or some similar combination to keep them from
> holding a frequency and attracting packet pileups.
> 2. assign a specific range of frequencies at equal intervals on each band,
> published in advance and require each station to stay on their assigned
> frequency for some time period then qsy to another specific frequency, at
> any time each station would probably have to have a specific frequency on
> each band/mode that rotated every half hour or some other frequent time
> interval. This way the frequencies would all be known in advance, but
> which
> station would be there wouldn't be. This would remove frequency selection
> but not band selection from the operator skill set, which could be a
> detractor or another way to level the playing field by not letting the
> teams
> choose the specific frequency they were on at any time. This would make
> dx
> spots less useful since anyone looking for a wrtc station would know what
> frequencies to check.
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