[CQ-Contest] List of WRTC stations / Results /Overspotting, and its impact

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Thu Jul 15 03:54:11 PDT 2010

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Radio K0HB" <kzerohb at gmail.com>


> WRTC showcases operator skills and experience.

Yes, that is what it is supposed to do.


> I offer again Kurt Vonnegut's classic about "leveling of
> skills" ----> http://www.tnellen.com/cybereng/harrison.html

I've read it - twice.  It's a good story but it is not relevant.
WRTC does not aim to level operator skills, it aims to level the
playing field so that skills may be more accurately assessed. 

The main thing preventing this is spotting.  If spotting cannot
be regulated, or its effects controlled or nullified, then we
will not have accurate assessments in future WRTCs.

In WRTC-10 the percentage difference between first and second
place was 0.32% - representing two multiplier QSOs or 11 non-
multiplier QSOs. The first-placed station was spotted 100 times,
second-placed 86 times 


Does anyone believe that, had these spotting figures been
reversed, ES5TV and ES2RR would not be in first place?

Paul EI5DI

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