[CQ-Contest] List of WRTC stations / Results /Overspotting, and its impact

Radio K0HB kzerohb at gmail.com
Thu Jul 15 08:48:03 PDT 2010

Absolutely, which is why I'm opposed to the operator limitations advanced in 
K1TTT's proposal.

73, de Hans, K0HB
"Just a boy and his radio"
Proud Member of:
 A1 Operators - http://www.arrl.org/a-1-op
 MWA - http://www.W0AA.org
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 LVDXA - http://www.lvdxa.org
 CWOps - http://www.cwops.org
 SOC - http://www.qsl.net/soc
 TCFMC - http://tcfmc.org
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LoTW participant

From: "Paul O'Kane" <pokane at ei5di.com>

> WRTC does not aim to level operator skills, it aims to level the
> playing field so that skills may be more accurately assessed.


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