Peter Sundberg sm2cew at telia.com
Sun Jul 18 11:21:29 PDT 2010

At 17:19 2010-07-18 , Richard F DiDonna NN3W wrote:
>I think the issue of spotting negatively affects only a small proportion of 
>operators - namely those who are single ops operating from locations where 
>they are the the only or perhaps one of two operators on from that DXCC 
>entity for the entire weekend.
>73 Rich NN3W

I strongly disagree. Spotting affects contest operating in general and it
is adding to the dumbing down of amateur radio. Building up an "impressive"
score that is dependant on DX-cluster spots has nothing to do with skills.
It is mainly a waiting game and others are doing the job. Using the reverse
beacon system is the same deal.

73 Peter SM2CEW

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