[CQ-Contest] Consider This Fellow Contesters

Gary k7zd at qwest.net
Thu Jul 22 17:59:39 PDT 2010

I don't find myself in agreement with MAL a lot, but I must say this 
topic requires full commentary. He is quite on. This thread will die on 
it's own accord. Just a lil' gun.. Gary K7ZD

On 7/22/2010 4:17 PM, N7mal wrote:
> Contesting by its very nature is completive. After each competition the
> contesters need a place to vent, make suggestions for improvement, and
> exchange ideas, whether they be good or bad. This mailing list has
> traditionally been the place for the serious, and not so serious, contesters
> to let off steam.
> I for one do not want to see this mailing list 'sterilized'. There were
> plenty of positive and negative postings about WRTC but for some reason you
> only want to dwell on the negative.
> This mailing list,(ohhh how I hate this term), is very Fair and Balanced and
> IMHO should be left alone. After a thread has run its course, positive or
> negative, we move on to the next one which some guys will like and others
> won't. That's the beauty of this mailing list someone will always have an
> opinion.
> 73

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