[CQ-Contest] Connecticut QSO Party: Register Your County/Mobile Ops

Bob Munro W1IG at carriergenealogy.com
Tue Jul 27 15:58:47 PDT 2010

Fellow State QSO Party Contesters..


It's time to register your Connecticut County and/or Mobile Operations/Route
for the 2010 Connecticut QSO Party:


Date:  September 18, 2010


Time:  0000Z September 18, 2010 to 2359Z September 18, 2010.


(Friday Night 8:00 PM Eastern till Saturday Night 7:59 PM Eastern)


Website: http://www.ctqp.org <http://www.ctqp.org/> 


County and Mobile Plans: http://www.ctqp.org/CountyForm.html


Information: info at ctqp.org


Rules: http://www.ctqp.org/Rules.html


Bob - W1IG

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