[CQ-Contest] IRCs, a "lighter topic"...

Felipe Ceglia felipeceglia2 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 28 04:45:44 PDT 2010


Here in the jungle (Brazil), its pretty difficult to exchange IRCs.
Only a few post offices in main cities do that, only them sell it as
well, at abusive prices. Guys in local offices usually havent ever
seen an IRC, some of them only heard about it.

The dilemma is that if stations send me "greenstamps", most likely
some jerk will find it out and will  intercept the letter. If stations
send me IRC, its a PITA to exchange them.

Not easy being a qsl manager in such a country.


Felipe - PY1NB

2010/7/27 Geoffrey Way <wayg at cape-vision.com>:
> I recently had trouble using an IRC at a local branch Post Office when
> posting a QSL reply to a DX station I'd worked in a contest.
> They told me that they "couldn't process" my IRC.
> So I took the transaction to the Main branch downtown, and the
> clerk took it without a word before I even opened my mouth, and
> he said, "You're all set!" That was about 2 weeks ago.
> Then I was on my way to another town today, and tried the IRC transaction
> at the ONLY Post Office in that town. At first, they were all stumped,
> but didn't give up or refuse me. One of the clerks eventually identified
> the transaction successfully, stating it falls under the "Non-Postal
> Money Order" category. The head clerk said she'd never had one presented
> to her from outside the US in all 28 years of her service... They had all SOLD
> IRC's of course, though.
> Anyone ever have difficulties with getting local branches to accept IRC's?
> Do they have the right to refuse the transaction if they have computerized
> operations? Has anyone ever succeeded in putting an outbound article with an
> IRC in their curbside mailbox? I haven't bothered to try it yet, given the resistance
> at the local branch...
> Please, don't "go postal" in your replies... I just need the facts...
> --
>         Geoff Way, KA1IOR
>                   http://www.cape-vision.com/wayg/ka1ior
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Felipe Ceglia - PY1NB
PR1T team member /// Rio DX Group member /// Araucaria DX Group member
http://www.dxwatch.com /// http://reversebeacon.net ///

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