[CQ-Contest] Online marketing spotting

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Wed Jul 28 05:28:10 PDT 2010

No, it must also contain some element that identifies itself as a CQ (CQ 
or TEST), and probably will need several repeats of your callsign, 
because of the portable designator.  And of course, nobody will be using 
Skimmer spots in an SSB contest.  Finally, you will presumably be 
operating in a phone segment, and most of us are using receivers that 
don't go that high.  For example, my 20M coverage cuts off at 14092.

73, Pete N4ZR

The World Contest Station Database, updated daily at www.conteststations.com
The Reverse Beacon Network at http://reversebeacon.net, blog at reversebeacon.blogspot.com,
spots at telnet.reversebeacon.net, port 7000

On 7/28/2010 3:40 AM, Zoltan Szoke wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> The CW Skimmer is good for CW spotting online marketing, but unusable for SSB.
> What do you think if I give a "bip" (morse code) in end of my CQ Contest:
> fivebravo/hotelalfafivepapapapa ..... -... /.... .- ..... .--. .--. , then the
> Skimmer spot me in SSB, right? :)
> 73, Zoli HA5PP
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