[CQ-Contest] Online marketing spotting

David Gilbert xdavid at cis-broadband.com
Wed Jul 28 09:46:10 PDT 2010

Hi, Pete.

Those are all valid comments ... for today.

I think it might be possible, however, to overlay a voice signal with 
some sort of lower-volume digital encoding that a Skimmer-like 
application could decode, possibly with more reliability than for CW if 
the proper encoding scheme was chosen.  I'm no expert on the digital 
modes, but I believe that some of them are rather remarkable in terms of 
intelligibility in the face of interference ... especially when they 
have voice-wide bandwidths to work with.  Anyone could rather easily 
generate the combined voice/signature files for use as voice macros, and 
of course receivers could be adapted for whatever target band segment 
was desired.

It remains to be seen whether such a scheme would be considered legal, 
though, even if someone only used such a digital overlay when 
transmitting and didn't user a decoder to receive callsign information.  
If I transmit a digital signal that allows the guy on the other end to 
decode my callsign, would I be violating the rules prohibiting 
cross-mode-contacts?  I strongly suspect I would, but who knows what 
future evolution of the rules might occur for assisted categories.

Just some thoughts ...

Dave   AB7E

On 7/28/2010 5:28 AM, Pete Smith wrote:
> No, it must also contain some element that identifies itself as a CQ (CQ
> or TEST), and probably will need several repeats of your callsign,
> because of the portable designator.  And of course, nobody will be using
> Skimmer spots in an SSB contest.  Finally, you will presumably be
> operating in a phone segment, and most of us are using receivers that
> don't go that high.  For example, my 20M coverage cuts off at 14092.
> 73, Pete N4ZR
> The World Contest Station Database, updated daily at www.conteststations.com
> The Reverse Beacon Network at http://reversebeacon.net, blog at reversebeacon.blogspot.com,
> spots at telnet.reversebeacon.net, port 7000
> On 7/28/2010 3:40 AM, Zoltan Szoke wrote:
>> Hi Guys,
>> The CW Skimmer is good for CW spotting online marketing, but unusable for SSB.
>> What do you think if I give a "bip" (morse code) in end of my CQ Contest:
>> fivebravo/hotelalfafivepapapapa ..... -... /.... .- ..... .--. .--. , then the
>> Skimmer spot me in SSB, right? :)
>> 73, Zoli HA5PP
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