[CQ-Contest] AO8HQ vs DA0HQ - ARRL did the worse in two decisions

Jeffrey Clarke ku8e at bellsouth.net
Wed Jun 9 19:19:37 PDT 2010


        As a life member of the ARRL and a contester I am disappointed on
the ARRL's decision on this matter. They are punishing all the IARU
societies , who clearly enjoy and put a lot of effort into this competition,
over one dispute between two parties.


        Some of the comments in the letter just don't make sense. For
example :



1)      The special category of HQ stations was intended to raise the
visibility of the IARU member-societies among active radio amateurs, and to
make the contest more interesting to participants by providing additional
multipliers. It was never intended to be a competition for the highest world
score. Clearly there can never be a "level playing field" for such
competition, nor does it further the objectives of the IARU.


If this was not intended to be a competition then why is a results box
printed every year in the IARU contest results with the standings of the
IARU society stations ?   Every contest is a competition. We don't contest
to get "participation" certificates !  



2)      Following publication of the corrected, final results URE obtained
the DA0HQ log from DARC and conducted a detailed analysis. URE identified
hundreds of QSOs by DA0HQ with German stations that it regarded as
questionable. The DA0HQ team reviewed this analysis and responded by
acknowledging that "The German amateur radio community was overly eager in
assisting DA0HQ to win the contest, and used means that, although legal,
were construed by the AO8HQ team as being illegal. DA0HQ had no control over
these actions, and did not request them in any way." This included "liberal
use of club station calls in addition to personal call signs."



The ARRL admits that DA0HQ didn't break the rules.  They had no control over
what stations called them . Case closed.




3)      Clearly there can never be a "level playing field" for such
competition, nor does it further the objectives of the IARU.



I went to the IARU webpage and didn't see any mention about objectives
concerning contests or radio competitions mentioned anywhere. There was a
section of Resolutions and Policies and the only mention in that document
was about contests in the 30 meter band.  Also, name me a contest that has a
level playing field ?





They got this wrong and  by copping out on making the "right" decision they
have probably have lost the respect of many of the IARU societies around the





Jeff, KU8E











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