[CQ-Contest] AO8HQ vs DA0HQ - ARRL did the worse in two decisions

Luc PY8AZT py8azt at dxbrasil.net
Thu Jun 10 08:47:03 PDT 2010

2010/6/9 Richard DiDonna NN3W <nn3w at cox.net>
> Jose, I too like IARU, but I think the HQ competition routine is becoming,
> frankly, stupid.  Dozens of HQ stations spread across the band, acting as CQ
> monsters for a full 24 hours.  I also think the vast number of hams that
> I would propose to terminate the notion of HQ competition as it currently
> stands.  Replace it with a HQ competition that is limited to a M/M with no
> more than 6 transmitters transmitting at one time (i.e., no 12 HQ stations
> on at once from DA0HQ or TM0HQ), require that M/M be located within one
> station or no more than 10 or 20 miles distant. Or, throw out the notion of
> M/M and limit HQ stations to M/2.


You are right. Since HQ proliferation, IARU Contest isn't fun for all.
Instead expand overall contest participation, it concentrated all attentions
(and Ops) on HQ station.

I do support eradication HQ stations from IARU Contest and this is a strong
opportunity to ARRL reviews and change IARU Contest rules.

73, Luc
PW7T Team member
PY8AZT (also PT7AG, PX8C, ZZ8Z)
WRTC.2010 Brazilian Team Leader
LABRE, ARRL, & Fortaleza DX Group Member
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