[CQ-Contest] Field Day class question

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Sun Jun 27 13:54:04 PDT 2010

If you require a 1A station, in order to be competitive, to have a GOTA  
station, a VHF station, and all that other bonus point stuff, there then 
becomes  no category for any groups of between 3 and maybe 8 operators.
Also, a "free" VHF station can a great regional effect on the competition.  
If six is open from FL or TX or KS to the northeast, they can run qso 
totals in  the thousand range, which people in the northeast or CA will never do.
If you want to have fun on VHF, something for newbies, etc., I suggest  
doing what we've done of the past few years (not including this year, when one  
of the stalwarts took off on vacation over FD):
Operate two 1-A stations.  That's what we've done for the previous 3  or 4 
years, using W8EDU and W3USA from the same site. We have two operating  
tables, back to back, with separate rigs and separate computers, but share  
antennas and operators. In our case we've tried to be serious with both, but  
there is no reason you couldn't have one station for the serious guys, and the 
 other for those who are not.
And if the second station ends up being on half time, who will worry about  
And you get to work everybody else two times, which helps nicely in keeping 
 the rate up for 24 hours.
73  -   Jim  K8MR
In a message dated 6/27/2010 3:31:20 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
KI9A at aol.com writes:


Who makes the rules for FD? is it the CAC?

Reason  I'm asking this, is to try to find out why they removed the VHF   
station from class 1A a few years ago.

Here are my thoughts on  allowing 1A to regain the VHF station:  Our  club, 
like many  others is aging. Getting guys out to set up ( and operate) a  
blown 2A station is really getting tough these days. In order to be   
competitive ( we ALL like to do well! ), you need to set up 4 stations for  
a 2A  
effort. GOTA, VHF, and 2 HF.  That takes a heck of a  commitment. 

You say, well, just do a 1A effort? Sure, then you have a  folks getting  
bored sitting around. 

If the ARRL let the 1A  class use either a GOTA, or a VHF station, that  
would really  increase participation, or, am I dreaming?

All in all, WHY did they  remove it? Seems like a dumb idea to me! 

73- Chuck  KI9A

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