[CQ-Contest] Rookie Round-Up

John shore1 at xplornet.com
Wed Mar 31 07:38:04 PDT 2010

I have a friend who is a recently a new ham with HF and he saw that on the 
web and the first thing he said was .."too complicated for me, I wont bother 
with that one" and that was that.... and that is from someone who IS very 
computer literate, now can you imagine the thousands of good folks who are 
computer illiterate...... not one person I have spoken to is even remotely 
interested in such an event with this kind of nonsense..... it took the wind 
out of most peoples sails so to speak..... I for one have supportted this 
kind of event for years ( less of course this new forced submission of 
logs).... what about the young kids that have HF now..... do you think for 
one second they want to be bothered with this...... I think not..... it is 
too bad for I for one was really hoping that they would not institute this, 
but since they have I wont waste my time telling folks about it either.... 
too complicated it RIGHT ??..... after all it is a HOBBY not a PROFESSION 
where deadlines have to be met.... Get with the program people..... and drop 
this kind of rubbish and help bring new blood to our hobby instead of 
destroying it with this kind of nonsense......

best dx to all
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Edward" <sawyered at earthlink.net>
To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 3:13 AM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Rookie Round-Up

> Does this strike anyone else as ridiculously complicated for newbies who
> should be more concentrated on making HF Radio contacts than what server
> they are uploading to.  Can we stick to HF guys..and let the gamers game..
> Ed  N1UR
> "As expected, there are changes as the first running of the ARRL Rookie
> Roundup approaches. As of the end of March, no major logging programs yet
> support real-time QSO submission. (They will eventually, but not for this
> first event.) Therefore, we are simplifying how information will be
> submitted to the getscores.org Web server. The first method is to submit a
> scoring summary (score, QSOs, multipliers) using the existing getscores
> Universal Score Uploader <http://www.getscores.org/universal.aspx> . The
> second way is to submit individual QSOs using the new online Web browser
> logging interface (the URL for this interface will be announced shortly). 
> To
> use the Web-browser interface, your call sign will be registered using the
> common technique of an emailed password that allows you to log on to the
> interface. The interface is used like a regular logging program while you
> are operating. Alternately, you can log on paper (a logging form will be
> provided) and enter your QSOs intermittently or after the contest using 
> that
> same Web page. More complete information will be posted on the Rookie
> <http://rookieroundup.wordpress.com/>  Roundup Blog and on the getscores
> Rookie Roundup FAQ in the next few days."  From ARRL Contest Update.
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