[CQ-Contest] Nashville Contesters

Doug Smith dougw9wi at gmail.com
Sat May 8 07:45:25 PDT 2010

K5NZ at aol.com wrote:
> How are you guys doing over there?  Hoping your family's and property  are 
> safe!

Haven't heard from absolutely everyone but it looks like everyone has come out just fine.  Probably because contesters tend to prefer to live on high 
ground!  I do know K4RO was basically on an island for a few days...

That said, an awful lot of people who *aren't* contesters have suffered greatly.  There's been flooding in every part of the city, and in all the 
outlying counties.  Some outlying areas may not have utilities for *months*.  Much of the damage will probably not be covered by insurance.

I'm sure the Red Cross would appreciate everyone's help.


Doug Smith W9WI
Pleasant View, TN  EM66

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