[CQ-Contest] Alabama QSO Party - This Saturday, Jun 5th

KC4HW kc4hw at centurytel.net
Mon May 31 09:07:17 PDT 2010

A short note to remind everyone that the Alabama QSO Party is 
coming up this Saturday.  

Please visit http://www.AlabamaQSOParty.org for rules and 

We awarded 18 plaques and over 100 certificates from 2009 event.  
We have 25 plaques sponsored and lots of certificates to hand out for 
the 2010 event. 

We have a plaque for the first station to "Work All Alabama Counties".  
It has been sponsored for 4 years with no winner, perhaps some one 
can take it this year!  Will it be you?

There are 10 mobiles slated to operating in over 54 counties!  Should 
be plenty of opportunity for Mults and QSOs.  Additionally, at least four 
club stations from Alabama will be active.  Many, many fixed stations 
will be participating.

For the first time, W4AQP recently issued as the Alabama QSO Party 
club call will be on the air.  Additionally the Alabama Contest Group 
club call K4ACG will also be active.  

We invite each of you to come and participate in our QSO Party.  We 
might not be large in numbers but we loom very large in spirit of Ham 
Radio so Y'all Come! to the Alabama QSO Party.



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