[CQ-Contest] Abbreviations?

Ryan Jairam rjairam at gmail.com
Mon May 31 14:51:02 PDT 2010

TS means Tribander Single element.

Ryan, N2RJ

On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 5:29 PM, Charlie Gallo <Charlie at thegallos.com> wrote:
> On 5/31/2010 Joe wrote:
>> What does it say?
>> Joe WB9SBD
> Single Operator
> Assisted
> All Band
> TS? Not sure - if it was TW, I'd say tribander+wires
> High Power
> --
> 73 de KG2V - Charles Gallo
> Quality Custom Machine-shop work for the radio amateur (sm)
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Ryan A. Jairam,

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