[CQ-Contest] NYQP & a Big Thank You

Paul Mackanos - K2DB k2db at k2db.com
Wed Oct 20 08:46:05 PDT 2010

 I want to send out a big TU to both John, W3OAB and Mark, K2MTH
Without their help and dedication, K2NNY would not have been on the air for
the NYQP.
They came up to the K2NNY QTH on Friday afternoon with me, and in a pouring
driving rain
and with heavy winds, (known as a nor’easter) helped me repair the broken
tri-plex 240 volt 
feed to my camp at the top of the power pole next to the camp. We all got
really soaked down,
then we went in, started the fire in the wood stove and turned on the rig
and computer, oops, 
something happened when the surge protector blew off the wall with a big
flash !.
Mark is an IT wizard, so he fixed the computer problem, but we blew a com
port (COM5) in either
the rig blaster or the computer, as we had no rig control. Well John worked
on that part and after a
few hours of troubleshooting, finding an old DB 25 and DB-9, John rang out
the wires and made up a temporary
cable; and me finding an old CT-17 interface, we got it all working, then we
all watched the Yankees
win the game, of course after a steak, baked potato and salad dinner and a
secret society meeting, we all crashed.
Got up in the morning, brewed a few pots of Java, had breakfast, and John
and Mark set up their
mobile set-up in the car. You see, I changed their plans of starting in
Lewis County, so now they were going to start
in St. Lawrence county. Well, I had an idea, how about using the K2NNY
antennas, and I will wait until you
leave before I get on the air with K2NNY, I have plenty to do here anyway.
They agreed, and the next thing you know
there is a coax running from the car to the antenna coax behind the rig. I
think they had the best MOBILE
antenna you could ever ask for, a PRO67B at 65 feet pointing west, and a 80
meter dipole at the same height.
I would suspect that their best QSO count was from St. Lawrence.
That is what is so GREAT about this hobby and RDXA. If anyone needs help, it
is there for you.
John & Mark, you guys are the best, Thanks again.
Paul K2DB

This thank you to a few clubs has caused a stir with a couple of hams in NY.
My question is this,
did I or John & Mark do anything wrong? The following is the extent of the
NYQP Rules about mobile class
direct from nyqp.org

Mobile – Single or multiple operator(s). With each County change the station
may again make
three mode contacts per band. Mobile class should announce Call Sign and
Mobile class sends only one county per exchange.
New York stations that change counties are considered to be a new station
and may be
contacted again for point and multiplier credit.

Thanks Paul K2DB, I ran K2NNY for the NYQP and thank everyone for their QSO
in the NYQP.

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