[CQ-Contest] CQWW Xtreme entry pre-registration

Doug Grant dougk1dg at gmail.com
Fri Oct 22 07:23:32 PDT 2010

Just a reminder -

if you are planning to enter the CQWW Xtreme category, you must pre-register
your entry before the contest with callsign and a brief description of your
station. Send email to Xtreme at cqww.com

Xtreme stations are permitted to use remote transmit and receive locations,
multiple operators at multiple remote locations, etc., within the rules and
regulations of the country and with all transmitters within the same country
and zone. Complete rules are available at www.cqww.com

Congratulations to last year's Xtreme trophy winners:

Multiop: B1Z
Single-op: OL5Q


Doug K1DG

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