[CQ-Contest] Blind Mode for N1MM Bandmap

Mats Strandberg sm6lrr at gmail.com
Fri Oct 22 09:03:16 PDT 2010

Hans (and others),

My aim was not to stop any discussion what is allowed and what is not
allowed... but anything dealing with clusters, skimmers and future
inventions of "fully automatic devices that both receives and transmits
CW-code" would by most contesters be considered "assistance-related" - and
therefore be excluded from use in non-assisted categories.

We might be a minority that still enjoy the old school of contesting, but
let us at least have one category where we can tune our VFOs in the
old-fashioned Stone Age way....

Technical innovation is for sure a part of our hobby, but to use wide
shoulders and try to force contesters who prefer non-assisted operation to
accept wider interpretation of the word "non-assisted" than before - does
not in my understanding develop contesting as such.

We have in many contests several classes and it is fairly clear to anyone
that using EVEN a local skimmer (giving the operator both frequency and
callsign of the stations that appear) is a very big advantage compared to
normal non-assisted operation. Therefore, in my sincere opinion - ANY type
of skimmer (local or Reverse Beacon Network) should be equalized to usage of
a DX-Cluster, and subsequently demanding the user to participate in the
Assisted Category.

R3/SM6LRR, Mats

2010/10/22 Radio K0HB <kzerohb at gmail.com>

> Mats,
> My personal operating preference is well known, I think.  I like the
> non-assisted class.
> But I don't find it "strange" that operators explore the rules to determine
> what is allowed.  As technology uncovers new, sometimes ambiguous, operating
> scenarios, the rules template should be laid over the landscape to see where
> they fit.
> Your disdain-laden term of "twist the rules" doesn't fit in a civil
> discussion of the matter.
> 73, de Hans, K0HB
> --
> "Just a boy and his radio"
> --
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> I find it very strange that people always try to to twist the rules and
>> find
>> grey zones that are not mentioned, in order to still submit logs as
>> Non-Assisted class but using technology that is not specifically
>> "prohibited".
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> One of my favorite quotes comes from Lewis Thomas in "Medusa and the Snail"
> "We pass the word around. We ponder how the case is put by different
> people. We read the poetry. We meditate over the literature. We play the
> music. We change our minds. We reach an understanding. Society evolves this
> way, not by shouting each other down, but by the capacity of unique,
> individual human beings to comprehend each other."

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