[CQ-Contest] Calling the US on 40 Meter Phone

Ward Silver hwardsil at gmail.com
Wed Oct 27 08:53:37 PDT 2010

> If you want the maximum rate with the US on 40 phone,
> CQ or have a receive frequency at or above 7.1275 MHz.
> Similarly, on 20 phone, a displayed carrier frequency of
> 14.3475 is the highest for US hams using USB.

The above assumes a signal bandwidth of 2.5 kHz, which requires 
contest-grade filtering in the transmit chain. (And a calm hand on the mic 
gain and speech processor settings...)  A more conservative approach would 
be to assume a 3 kHz wide SSB signal, resulting in limits of 7.128 MHz and 
14.347 MHz in order for US hams to stay legal.

Have fun, play nice.

73, Ward N0AX 

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