[CQ-Contest] A new contest coming in october 2010 – SYLRA Contest
Janne Karresuo
janne.karresuo at gmail.com
Wed Sep 15 11:39:56 PDT 2010
Hello fellow contesters. I want to inform You about a new contest named by
SYLRA Contest coming in october 2010. You can find the rules here:*
These rules are not yet published at WA7BNM or SM3CER contest calenders.
73´de Janne OH6LBW (mostly at OH6M)
Organizer: Scandinavian Young Ladies Radio Amateurs SYLRA.
Aim of the contest: To promote YL activity around the world as well as to
encourage amateur radio communication between women (YL) and men (OM). YL’s
can work other YL’s and OM’s and OM’s can work YL’s and other OM’s,
Time: 2010 October 23, 1000 UTC to 2010 October 24, 1000 UTC
Period of Operation: 24 hours. Operators may operate 18 of the 24 hours –
off times must be a minimum of 60 minutes during which no QSO is logged.
Bands: 3,5 - 7 - 14 - 21 - 28 MHz bands may be used according to IARU HF
Band Plans
To help competitors to find each other we propose to use frequencies +/- 10
kHz from the following activity center frequencies:
CW: 3.545, 7.025, 14.045, 21.045 and 28.045 kHz
RTTY: 3.588, 7.044, 14.088, 21.088 and 28.088 kHz
SSB: 3.768/3.868, 7.088/7.188, 14.288, 21.288 and 28.488 kHz
Mode: CW, RTTY and SSB
Contest exchanges:
“CQ Contest”.
YLs: RS(T) plus 88 (e.g. 59(9) 88)
OMs: RS(T) plus 73 (e.g. 59(9) 73)
The same station may be worked once on each band and mode
Single Op. - High Power
Single Op. - Low Power (output 100 W or less)
Single Op. - High Power
Single Op. - Low Power (output 100 W or less)
Scoring: YL-stations give ten (10) points per every complete contact.
OM-contacts give two (2) points per every complete contact. Two-way QSO with
sent and received exchange counts for QSO-points.
Multipliers: Worked DXCC countries are valid for multiplier on each band and
mode. (E.g. a multiplier for working a DXCC country on 80 M CW, 80 M RTTY,
80 M SSB, 40 M CW … etc)
Final score: To calculate the final score, multiply the sum of QSO-points on
all bands with the sum of multipliers worked on all bands and modes
Awards: Trophys for three top scoring winners in all four sections
Logs: Send logs not later than 30.11.2010.
Address for logs: SRAL, OHYLS, Box 44, FIN-00440 HELSINKI, Finland or by
email: ylcontest at sral.fi.This e-mail address is being protected from spam
bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
by OH2YL
This contest is organized by Scandinavian Young Ladies Radio Amateurs
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