[CQ-Contest] 2010 BARTG 75 - September - All 3830 Claimed Scores 20Sep2010

n7wa at arrl.net n7wa at arrl.net
Mon Sep 20 09:45:58 PDT 2010

2010 BARTG 75 - September - All 3830 Claimed Scores 20Sep2010

NOTE: This list is NOT a list of submitted logs received by the contest sponsor. It is based solely on the claimed scores posted to the 3830 reflector via the web forms available at the 3830 Score Web Page shown below.

Submit logs by: Nov 1, 2010
E-mail logs to: logs at bartg.org.uk
Mail logs to:
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
Submission info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org/

73 dink

Call               QSOs  Mlts   Cnt   hr      Score Club
All Single Op HP
GW4SKA             146    49     4     4     28,616 BARTG
F5QE               155    47     3   3.5     21,855 
FM5CD              155    45     3   2,5     20,925 CDXC Clipperton DX C
AL9A               132    47     3   3.6     18,612 
KT0DX              122    43     3     4     15,738 
K4HMB              121    42     3   3.5     15,246 SECC
W1BYH              110    45     3     3     14,850 CTRI
W6WRT              109    37     3     4     12,099 
AA5VU               70    38     3     3      7,980 CTDXCC
K5AM                96    34     2            6,528 

WV0T                53    26     2     4      2,756 
W6SX                47    24     2            2,256 NCCC
N8NOE               21     6     2   1.5        252 CTDXCC

Call               QSOs  Mlts   Cnt   hr      Score Club
All Single Op LP
5P9X(OZ9GA)        103    35     2     4      7,210 
VA7AM               74    31     3     4      6,882 BCDX
G3LDI               64    33     3            6,336 
KE4UNA              69    30     2   3.0      4,140 ACG
YO9BXC              46    25     3     2      3,450 C.S. Petrolul Ploies
G0LGJ               42     6     2     2      1,886 
W0RAA               28    17     2   1.5        952 Grand Mesa
W9ILY               23    15     2              690 METRO DX Club
VA7ST               14     7     1   0.2        108 

Call               QSOs  Mlts   Cnt   hr      Score Club
All SO Expert HP
VA2UP              148    46     3   3.5     20,424 Contest Group du Que
WX4TM              151    47     2     4     14,194 ACG
LZ8E(LZ2BE)        107    44     3     2     14,124 
K4GMH              152    45     2     2     13,680 PVRC
K8UT               108    39     2     4      8,424 MRRC

Call               QSOs  Mlts   Cnt   hr      Score Club
All SO Expert LP
SV1XV               72    31     2            4,752 


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