[CQ-Contest] Thank You etc

hodgson at cytanet.com.cy hodgson at cytanet.com.cy
Mon Sep 20 03:43:36 PDT 2010

Many thanks to the SAC committee for the Certificate
of Merit for 2009.

And also for the nice plaque for:-

Continental Winner - ASIA - Sop CW SAC 2004 received today.

Better late than never guys!

Thanks again, my 2010 result follows.

                    Scandinavian Activity Contest, CW 2010.

> Call: ZC4LI
> Operator(s): Steve
> Station: ZC4LI
> Class: SOAB LP
> Operating Time (hrs): 22
> Summary:
> Band  QSOs  Mults
> -----------------------
>   80:  060    24
>   40:  125    35
>   20:  173    39
>   15:  172    38
>   10:  000    00
> -----------------------
> Total:  530   136  Total Score = 112,336
> Club: ESBA
> Comments:
> Mostly SO1R
> Antennas:-  C/craft A3s @50ft, Titanex 160HD, and an old J-Beam for the 
> 2nd rig.
> Rigs:-          Icom-756 Pro 3's
> Amps:-        Acom-1000 with a Ten-Tec Hercules2
> Software:-  Wintest 4.1 ish
> Thanks to the organisers and to everyone for the Q's.
> I find this contest a bit disconcerting at times when
> the Scandinavians are sending serials of 1k + and I
> am stuck with a few hundred !!
> Running is a poor option in this contest so I spent
> most of my time S & P.
> I did try SO2R on Sunday morning on the 20 and 15m
> bands but my Hercules amp overheated and packed it
> in after running for about 3 hours at 80 watts.
> Mind you I have had it since 1992 so I have had my
> moneys worth.
> Looks like a repair or splash out on a new one!
> Band condx were not too bad, but no contacts
> were made on 10m, I did hear a couple of stations but
> they could not hear me.
> Log is on LoTW and EQsl for a card please see QRZ.COM
> 73 and hope to cu in the CQWW RTTY this weekend,  Steve.
> Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: 
> http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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