[CQ-Contest] Is RBN allowed?

Stan Stockton k5go at cox.net
Sun Sep 19 06:16:48 PDT 2010


Just quickly reading rules on IPhone,  #4 under Single Operator  
Assisted says "qso alerting assistance is allowed (this includes, but  
is not limited to, packet, local or remote skimmer and/or skimmer-like  
technology, Internet. The "but is not limited to" part causes  
uncertainty about how far you can take it.

I think there may be (or should be if not) some distinction between a  
public network and having a private network of remote receivers and  
remote skimmers controlled by the operating station.

In my mind if a station has his own private network of remote  
receivers or is in control of remote receivers he is violating the  
magic circle limit.

Stan, K5GO

Sent from Stan's IPhone

On Sep 18, 2010, at 10:57 AM, Tõnno Vähk <Tonno.Vahk at gafm.ee> wrote:

> In the light of recent skimmer debate I want to arrange a short poll  
> to understand how entrants interpret the current CQWW rules (http://www.cqww.com/CQWW-Rules-2010.pdf 
> )
> The question is:
> In your interpretation, do the current CQWW rules allow for Multi Op  
> and SOA categories to use RBN (to log into Reverse Beacon Network to  
> receive call/frequency information as identified by many aggregated  
> remote receivers scattered globally and decoded with skimmer  
> software) or any other remote skimmer (single or network, personal  
> or not)?
> Please tell:
> A. YES
> B. NO
> C. The Rules are not clear
> If your answer is different for Multi Op vs SOA please tell
> If your answer is different for RBN vs one's personal remote skimmer  
> set up anywhere in the world, please tell
> You can send to me direct and I will summarize. Please tell how you  
> interpret rules not what you think the rules should be.
> I think this is a very serious issue and the CQWW CW is approaching  
> fast.
> 73
> Tonno
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