[CQ-Contest] CQP practice friday night

Chris Tate - N6WM ctate at ewnetinc.com
Tue Sep 28 17:12:33 PDT 2010

The NCCC will be holding CQP practice from 0200 -0300 UTC 02 Oct for 1 hour.(Friday night) this will be a special practice session.  we will start on cw from 0200-0230 at the cqp recommended frequency range, then SSB 0230-0300  also in the recommended range.

We welcome any and all amateurs around the world to join us as well!

This will be followed by the NCCC net on 3610 at 0300. California operators please check into the NCCC net so we can discuss issues, etc, especially county expeditions if possible, but any and all are welcome to check in as well!

Thanks and 73




Northern California Contest Club

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