[CQ-Contest] Club/Group competition 275 km radius in CQ Contest (petition for change).

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Fri Apr 8 03:33:43 PDT 2011

Interesting idea.  The CQMM DX Contest, next weekend, has just such a 
club team competition, new this year.  See the rules at 

73, Pete N4ZR

The World Contest Station Database, updated daily at www.conteststations.com
The Reverse Beacon Network at http://reversebeacon.net, blog at reversebeacon.blogspot.com,
spots at telnet.reversebeacon.net, port 7000

On 4/8/2011 12:29 AM, Jack Haverty wrote:
> Perhaps it would be worth considering redefining how club competitions
> are scored.
> Clubs might be defined by their members in any way they like -
> geography, camaraderie, favorite contest, radio interests, when first
> licensed, the radio net they meet on regularly - whatever they choose.
> Maybe a contest imposes some fairly loose constraints, e.g., being all
> in the same country.
> Clubs would field one or more teams, with each team's composition
> well-defined by the rules for a particular contest.  For example, in
> some contest a team might be defined as 5 operators - who could be
> either at a multi or at their home stations.  Perhaps a team might be
> required to have at least 1 LP and 1 QRP member, and at least one
> rookie.
> Because teams are of limited size, almost any group calling itself a
> club could field a team.  Some clubs might be able to field a lot of
> teams.  Team scores are computed by adding up the scores of the team
> members.  So all teams compete on a pretty equal basis.  Teams even can
> compete against each other within a club.
> Perhaps a contest has several different team categories - BigGuns
> (multis, big antennas, etc) with teams of 10 members and LittlePistols
> (all LP and tribander/wires) with teams of 5.
> Clubs compete by seeing which club can field the best team(s), or the
> most teams who end up in the top ten, or whatever.

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