[CQ-Contest] Club/Group competition

Martin LU5DX monsalvo at gmail.com
Sat Apr 9 19:37:46 PDT 2011

Ken! I could not agree with you more! Either you read my mind or a read
yours :-)

I sen this a few mins ago to LU4DX, LU8ADX, LU1AEE:

A possible solution would be to establish club categories as follows:

1- Local, defined by a given geographical limitation e.g. 275 km radius.
2- State or Province  Club Groups (regardless the country to which they
3 - National (not National Organizations like the ARRL, DARC, URE, JARL,
etc) but regular club groups like the YCCC, North Coast Contesters, or any
other who either has members that moved to other states and are still
willing to submit their score to their original club and clubs with a
national membership base like the DXXE, CECG and many others.
4 - International like the WWYC, DARC, LUCG, Araucaria and others that have
members in several countries.

Clubs would send in advance the category they will enter to the contest
organizer. We believe it would be easy to implement since the foundation of
the system is the membership base.

Hope this helps!

You all have a great Sunday.

Martin, LU5DX

On Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 7:51 PM, Ken Widelitz <widelitz at gte.net> wrote:

> Randy has hit the nail on the head when he states "what should be the
> definition of a club for the purposes of contest club competition" if not
> distance in light of the fact that the internet has changed thinking of a
> club as a group who get together for regular meetings and in light of the
> fairness of the distance rule as has been beaten to death over the past few
> days.
> If we assume distance and meetings do not define a club, then the only
> remaining factor is membership. Many hams are members of more than one
> club.
> Given the suggestions below, a score could count for more than one club, as
> long as they are in different categories. As long as the club(s) are listed
> in the score submission, scores can be easily tabulated by the contest's
> sponsor.
> I see the key being club size and geographical limitations, so that
> competition can be fair. Club size is easily defined by either the number
> of
> members or entrants, depending on the sponsor's rules, for purposes of
> example - small (under 10,) medium (11 - 25,) large (26 - 50) and
> unlimited.
> The geographical limitation can be local club, state/province club, country
> club (without golf or tennis facilities) or international club. The
> category
> can either determined by the club in advance of the competition, or by the
> actual number and location of club entrants. Requiring a pre-contest
> selection or a post contest determination can be made by the sponsor's
> rules.
> This does create many more club categories, but it also fosters the goal of
> maximizing activity and fair comparisons among clubs.
> 73, Ken, K6LA / VY2TT
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