[CQ-Contest] 2011 NCCC Sprint - Apr 22 - All 3830 Claimed Scores 22Apr2011

n7wa at arrl.net n7wa at arrl.net
Fri Apr 22 07:40:41 PDT 2011

2011 NCCC Sprint - Apr 22 - All 3830 Claimed Scores 22Apr2011

NOTE: This list is NOT a list of submitted logs received by the contest sponsor. It is based solely on the claimed scores posted to the 3830 reflector via the web forms available at the 3830 Score Web Page shown below.

Submit logs by: Apr 24, 2011
E-mail logs to: (none)
Mail logs to:
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
Submission info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://conteststations.com/

73 dink

Call               QSOs  Mlts   hr      Score Club
Atlantic Single Op LP
NO3M                66    49   0.5      3,234 
W4OC                52    39   0.5      2,028 SECC
N4AF                55    35    .5      1,925 PVRC
N1LN                40    34    .5      1,360 PVRC
W1UJ                42    30    .5      1,260 THE BARNSTORMERS CON
N8NA                39    28   0.5      1,092 FRC
N3SD                33    30    .5        990 NCC
K8GU                32    21   0.5        672 PVRC
NR1X                23    19    .5        437 

Call               QSOs  Mlts   hr      Score Club
East Central Single Op LP
K9BGL               48    39   0.5      1,872 SMC
W4NZ                42    33   0.5      1,386 TCG
K1GU                40    31   0.5      1,240 TCG
N4DW                37    30    .5      1,110 TCG
WF7T                30    23    .5        690 TCG
WQ5L                27    21   0.5        567 
K8MM                27    19    .5        513 MRRC

Call               QSOs  Mlts   hr      Score Club
West Central Single Op LP
WD0T(@KD0S)         55    37   0.5      2,035 
K5OT(@K5TR)         49    35   0.5      1,715 CTDXCC
W0BH                46    33    .5      1,518 
K0AD                43    33            1,419 MWA
K0PC                42    30   0.5      1,260 MWA

Call               QSOs  Mlts   hr      Score Club
West Central Single Op QRP
KE0G                22    11    .5        232 

Call               QSOs  Mlts   hr      Score Club
West Single Op LP
KK7S                46    30   0.5      1,380 WWDXC
W7WHY               36    24    .5        864 WVDXC

Call               QSOs  Mlts   hr      Score Club
NCCC in CA/NV Single Op LP
N6RO                57    43    .5      2,451 NCCC
K6VVA               49    34 29min      1,666 NCCC
N3ZZ                44    32    .5      1,408 NCCC
W6SX                38    21    .5        798 NCCC
K6NV                27    20    .5        540 NCCC


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